: Yui the Ronin : 6B. Redeeming Her

6B. Redeeming Her

Published 11 months ago 1,121 words (4 minutes)

But my death didn’t came. As I looked up, I saw Kokoro, with her Katana against my neck, but unwilling or rather incapabable of making the final strike. After we looked at each other she just let her Katana fall in the sand. “I can’t do it.” She said in tears. “That’s because you know I’m not the reason for all this death. I’m not the one who deserves your hatred. You know who is really responsible for the destruction of the Minimoto Clan.” After a second Kokoro looked up and answered with new determination “The Heishi Clan!”. I held my hand out to her and after a moment of contemplation she took it. She picked her Katana up and slowly sheathed it. “I thank you for showing me my true enemy.” “You always knew, sister!”

Around us the storm grew weaker and Kokoro began walking back to the boat with which she arrived at the beach. “Can you take me to the island of Shikoku?” I asked her as I walked behind her. “Sorry sister, I already have wasted way too much time hunting the wrong enemy, I need to hunt the Heishi Clan.” “YOU’LL DIE” I yelled after her as she began to ready her boat. “Then I’ll die with honour.” She answered. Those were the last words I heard from her before her fisherboat was out of my reach. I looked after her as she sailed alone against the storm, ready to fight an enemy which she had no chance to defeat. After she was out of my sight I began looking for another town and after around an hour of walking along the shore I found another fishing town. A bigger village with maybe around a few hundred people living in it. I looked for someone else who could bring me across the sea, to Shikoku. A local soldier approached me, he told me that there is someone who wants to meet me and ask me to follow him. So I let the soldier lead me through the alleyways until we arrived before a small inn. It looked like the storm really hit this building, multiple wood pieces were missing but inside there were still a few guests. One of them was a samurai, who approached me, and wanted to apologise for his behaviour. As I looked him up and down I saw it was the samurai who selfishly wanted my new weapon a few weeks ago. New that he stood before he didn’t really look very threatening. He was a small man with a rather thin body, he told me his name is Asahi. He explained he is not a samurai anymore but instead wants to become a blacksmith, creating weapons and other things for the community around him. I don't trust him, the whole time we spoke he was only eyeing my weapon. I made an excuse to leave and began looking for another inn in which I could stay. After a few minutes of searching I found a larger inn in which I booked a room and laid low for the rest of the night, hoping not to have to meet Asahi another time. 


Chart: Route

If you have Reputation 4 or more, a Villain has found you. Otherwise, nothing happened.

Chart: Villain Location

Deserted beach during a windstorm.

Chart: Location

You have arrived in a small town. If you have Reputation 6, you will be approached by a Soldier. Here you will have an Urban Encounter.

Chart: Urban Encounter

If you let an enemy live, you find him in the locality. But now he is a Possible Ally. Otherwise, you found a Possible Ally at the inn where you stay.

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