: Yui the Ronin : 2. Compassion and Hatred

2. Compassion and Hatred

Published 11 months ago 1,221 words (5 minutes)

As I walked through the mountainous path, I saw a young boy, maybe nine years old. He was carrying a Naginata which was much too large for his small hands. As he saw me, he shakenly pointed the weapon towards me and ordered me to stop. He said that I killed his family and that he needed to avenge their death. 

I explained to him that I would never do something like this because my own family was killed and I know how much it hurts to lose one's family. As I told him I began to relieve it again, the night of the attack. But I quickly pressed down the memories, focusing on the young boy again. He agreed for me to bring him to the next village. Not long after, I arrived in a town called Minamimaki. As I walked through the streets, looking for a place where I could give up the boy, I saw them. Two fully armed samurai surrounded a small man. Normally I would have just walked past them, but these were wearing colours of the Heishi Clan. I ordered the boy to hide in one of the alleyways as I drew my Naginata. I attacked the two samurai with cold hatred, seeing in their faces the murderer of my family even though I knew they just had the same banner. I killed the first with a few elegant hits of my weapon but the second one was more experienced. I had a spectacular duel with him, directly in the open on a crossroad. Woman versus man, Naginata versus Katana, hatred versus confidence. Our duel attracted many onlookers, which is normally not good for me, but this time they seemed to root for me. The Heishi Clan seems to be disliked in this town, which is good for me. I used a mistake of the second samurai to end his live with a swift strike of my beautiful blade.

I learned the man who was threatened by the samurai is a trainer who teaches samurai the art of the blade. As I looked at him for the first time from this close, I saw he had demonic red eyes.

He also was rather closed, telling me his name, thanking me for my help and then leaving. I wanted to ask him about the boy, but didn't get any chance. Eventually one of the barmaids in a local inn took him in.


Chart: Route

If you have a Reputation of 5 or more a Villain has found you. If not, roll for a road encounter.

Chart: Road Encounter

On the road you find a child carrying a Naginata. He looks shaken and says he wants to kill the Ronin who murdered her family. The child thinks it was you. If you successfully talk to the child, you gain 1 compassion.

Chart: Location

You arrived in a town.

If you have a Reputation of 5 or more, you will be approached by 2 Soldiers. 

Here you will get 1 Reputation and have an Urban Encounter.

Chart. Urban Encounter

Walking down the road you find a Possible Ally surrounded by 2 Samurai. By their robes they are from a well-known Noble Clan and are wearing armour and katanas.

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