: Yui the Ronin : 1. The Blacksmith

1. The Blacksmith

Published 11 months ago 706 words (3 minutes)

I arrived in Kawakami, a harbour town. As I was walking through the town I saw how they looked at me. A woman in armour isn't common, but a woman who wears the symbols of an unknown clan, that is something those townsfolk hadn’t seen before. I walked on the harbour planks looking for a cheap inn that I could afford when I heard someone shout “Thief!”. I instinctively sprung in action from the loud outcry. I looked around scanning the ships, the docks and all the surrounding people when I saw someone running. I swiftly followed him, running after him and bringing the thief to fall after a short chase through the alleys of Kawakami. I took the money he had stolen and let the thief run, but not before I made him swear that he would never do it again. I am not as naive as to believe this will actually stop him, but the gesture counts. When I brought the money back, I learned it was owned by master Toshiro, a blacksmith known for crafting the most intricate and beautiful blades.

He brought me back to his house and allowed me to stay there. As I was leaving he approached me one last time and said that he would build me a custom blade. I thanked him dearly and got back on the road.


Chart: Route

If you have Reputation 4 or more, a Villain has found you. Otherwise, nothing happens.

Chart: Location

You have arrived in a town.

If you have a Reputation of 5 or more, you will be approached by 2 Soldiers.

Here you will get 1 Reputation and have an Urban Encounter.

Chart: Urban Encounter

You discover that a well-known blacksmith lives in this location. If you decide to look for him, he will be a Possible Ally with the Occupation already determined as Blacksmith.

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